Author Bio

Amailuk Joseph (aka Jay) is a copywriter who lives to writes. . . He would rather spend 3+ hours writing as opposed to 30 minutes with the dentist.

He is the father several adorable children; the pride of his existence.

A freelance Copywriter, Personal Coach, Mentor and a passionate researcher. His love for writing was triggered at an early age, and he has been writing as far back as he can remember.

When he is not writing it is more than likely he is either reading, researching his next article or mentoring.


Amailuk is a co-founder of Mentor-Kenya, a legally recognized Community Based Organization. They engage the youth on Anti-Corruption & issues civic related in tandem with the Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

As Mentor-Kenya, they address vice by empowering the youth through training program (The Young African Change-Maker) and equip them with skills to fight corruption.

As Mentor Kenya, they believe curbing corruption would be greatly enhanced with the empowerment of the girls besides doubling as a help to minimizing gender disparities too.

Mentor Kenya’s mentorship program targets the 14 – 24 years old age bracket and equip them with skills to fight corruption through school-based “Integrity Clubs” additionally empowering them through civic education, entrepreneurial and leadership skills.

Mentor Kenya also works with other Civil Service Organisations (CSO) to conduct training’s that create awareness on Corruption and how to fight it among the young people.