Are YOU An African Change Maker?: Stand Up & Be Counted

Why the hullabaloo: Young African Change Makers?

It brings to mind Janet Jackson’s song, “What have you done for me lately with the theme being her asking her sweetheart what he has done for her lately.

It may come off as selfish, that is until you watch the video and listen to the lyrics in context. She loved a guy whom she could not get over even though he kept disappointing her.

So what does this have to do with African Change Makers? Well, sit tight as you are soon about to find out.

Most of the times we are wondering about what is in it for us (me), we hardly think in terms of what I have I done lately. That has become the norm of the contemporary world. To do anything successfully with or through anybody, you generally have to figure out what’s in it for them. This time round, we are looking to Africa. What can YOU do for Africa? Scratch that; What Have You Done Lately, for Africa?

What Have You Done Lately for Africa?

We all have a part to play in this world. We all have a purpose to serve. Are you doing your part, have you done your part?

For those of you who are in the neighbourhoods of Egerton University, Njoro Campus you can count yourselves lucky. Mentor Kenya has come up with a program it has dubbed Young African Change Makers. It has been designed to help you get the most out of your purpose.

The pilot program includes stuff like:

Design thinking

designthinkingHere you are taught how to define a problem and eventually come up with a solution to that problem. Have you not heard the saying that if you figure the problem you have half the solution? Put simply, you cannot solve what you do not know. How is that for smooth sailing?

 By the end of it you shall be all geared to keep doing stuff. Have a fighting chance to chart a new course and most importantly, to process and implement your thoughts & solutions.

Beautiful Minds

Hmm, sorry but this is not the biographical drama film based on John Nash, the Nobel Laureate in Economics. He did actually inspire an award winning Movie, kudos to him.

Beautiful Minds is more like insights into intelligence, creativity, and the mind: dedicated to improving brain health. Why don’t you just hope in and enjoy the ride?

Oh, and forgetting the Mental Model!

Mental Model

The Mental Model shall challenge you to break out of your prison. Yes, your prison. Many of us are prisoners of our past, our lurid thinking habits, and etcetera. We are stuck in a rut and can’t figure the way out of the vicious cycle. Well, here’s your lucky break. . . .

Figure out what you want to achieve, and abracadabra, there it is — you have it.

Career Development

It would feel lame if we did not include this in the mix. We are not evolving job seekers, not in a long shot. However, we are not masters of destiny, though we try to influence her and steer her course.

In this instance we focus on making it (life and its hand-outs) work for you. Yea, how is that?

Well, You planned to be a surgeon and have now ended up a manager. Hmm, that sucks pretty bad you may add. “No, it doesn’t” we shall respond. You can make farming work, or find your path to being a surgeon if you still wish. Better still, you can make both work, and why not?

Still have questions?

And now the coup de grâce

By the time you are through with this program, no one will be asking you What Have You Done For Africa Lately, again.


Oh, and remember . . . it begins in your backyard.

All change makers changed their communities before the world came to appreciate them. Mandela, it was apartheid in South Africa. He served jail time for what he believed. Martin Luther King was assassinated for his cause.

The one thing they had in common? They started with and from their communities. What are YOU waiting for? The 2 weeks Program is going down VERY SOON. February 25th to be exact.

What Now?


  • ONLY 30 Slots available
  • Favourable Pioneering Fee
  • Write your best email to (deadline 19th February, 2016) and tell them why they should invest in you to become a Young African Change Maker
  • Shortlisted will be interviewed 22nd Monday — 23rd Tuesday February
  • Induction for successful candidates: 25th February
  • FINALLY: On presentation of their self-actualized prototypes on the 12th of March, participants shall receive their Certification

Still Got Questions

Call +254 770 272 355


PS: And with that, what you have is only the tip of the Iceberg to Becoming an African Change Maker! 

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